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PKI for IoT

Digital protection of man and machine

Secure your processes and protect your IoT systems

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Industrial security for OT and IoT

Secure machine identities as digital protection against cyber attacks

Today, more things (devices) are online than there are people on the planet. Digital keys and identities are needed to secure them. The ECOS TrustManagementAppliance makes creating, managing and distributing keys and certificates secure and easy.

Millions of Internet-connected IoT devices are being deployed by countless companies in sensitive and vital areas. Networking is also on the rise in the OT sector through approaches such as Industry 4.0 or digital twins. The growing number of devices increases security risks and unsecured devices quickly become the preferred prey of cyber-attacks.

The countermeasures of IT security are aimed at ensuring confidentiality, integrity and authenticity. Technically, this is achieved by encrypting, signing and authenticating with digital keys (usually in the form of X.509 certificates), which are provided and managed by public key infrastructures (PKI) and management solutions. The correct and secure creation and management of keys and certificates is the foundation for all IT security.

Applications range from actuators and sensors on the control panel to the IoT platform, from the shop floor to PLC, SCADA, DCS, firewalls, switches, ERP and many other systems. Whether via MQTT, OPC-UA, HTTPS or other protocols, communication is no longer restricted to closed networks, but is taking place in all areas of OT and IoT.
This communication must be secured through:

  • Confidentiality of communication through data encryption.
  • Ensuring integrity to protect against manipulation by signing the data and program code.
  • Machine identities for authentication and secure identification in order to implement zero trust concepts.

These technically sound approaches are now even required by European law with the NIS-2 Directive and the Cyber Resilience Act. Both regulations explicitly require security by design according to the state of the art and development.

Our PKI & Key Management solution can help you future-proof your products, facilities and processes and protect them from cyber-attacks. With our focus on OT/IoT and our consulting and development in Germany, we understand the challenges and can therefore deliver optimal solutions for these areas. Our solutions provide the decisive security layer for IoT devices and OT environments so you can effectively counter the growing security risks.

The future of IoT security and quantum resistance

Get ready for tomorrow's challenges and protect your IoT infrastructure.

White paper »PKI and Key Management«

Securing devices, servers and processes
  • Understanding PKI core components and certificate lifecycle management
  • Managing certificate enrollment
  • Keeping track with automated reporting

Download white paper 

Looking for more white papers?

Explore our German white paper section and learn more about certificates, their lifecycle, the necessity for crypto-agility, what security by design has to do with the latest EU regulations and how to build secure machine identities.

White paper section 

Do you know our German IT security blog?

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IoT security from the outset

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Digital identities at a glance

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IoT Security

Protecting the connected world from cyber threats

The future of IoT security and secure IoT

Digital certificates and certificate authority

Basics and areas of application

How to ensure the security and authenticity of communications and data transmissions.

Impact of cyber attacks

What you need to know

Protect your machines against cyber threats!

Was ist Industrie 4.0?

Bedeutung und Auswirkungen auf die IT-Sicherheit

Zukünftige IT-Sicherheitsstrategien für Industrie 4.0

Remote access to IoT devices from the internet

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The relevance of machine identity in the context of the IoT

What are machine identities, why are they essential in the IoT, and what are the challenges and risks?

Techem operates PKI

Techem, the leading service provider for smart and sustainable buildings, relies on securely encrypted data transmission of meter readings and consumption values from millions of buildings.

The PKI provider ECOS secures the data traffic for over 52 million wireless data collection devices at Techem with the ECOS TrustManagementAppliance.

Read more

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