Identities, signatures, certificates
Secure (machine) identities to protect against cyber-attacks and espionage
Certificates are the foundation of secure (machine) identities and the root of all security in IT/OT/IoT. Our PKI and key management solution integrates seamlessly into your IT, OT, or IoT environment. It also provides the foundation for meeting NIS-2 and Cyber Resilience Act requirements.
We help you design, implement, and integrate the appropriate solution with your existing infrastructure. With our development, consulting and support located in Germany, we are able to respond quickly and flexibly to meet your individual needs.
Selected PKI projects
Techem Energy Services GmbH
Certificate-based protection of data traffic for over 52 million wireless data collection devices
Cologne Bonn Airport
From handheld to scoreboard: certificates for all devices
Trust Management Appliance as central PKI at R. STAHL
Securely yours
The right access solution for any requirement
The ECOS SecureBootStick allows mobile working using any any PC or Mac in an easy and highly secure way.
Access data and applications in your organization or government agency with BSI approval for processing documents up to classification level VS-NfD, EU- and NATO RESTRICTED - even from your private PC.
Selected remote access projects
MTG Marinetechnik GmbH
MTG Marinetechnik GmbH provides secure home and telework stations with the ECOS SecureBootStick® SX
Highly secure video conferencing
Secure access to the local IT infrastructure | Effective protection against cyberattacks
Security-conscious enterprises, CRITIS, companies of special public interest, and government agencies need to run a video conferencing system on-premises to keep sensitive data where it belongs.
With the ECOS SecureBootStick and the ECOS SecureConferenceCenter, you can now attend your video conferences with classified content from any standard laptop or PC, at home or on the move.
The Secure Conference Center (SCC) offers all core features of a professional video conferencing system on premises in a secure environment, including real-time sharing of audio, video, screen and presentations.
On-premises instead of cloud
External access with the BSI-approved Secure Boot Stick
Smart configuration and easy management
Budget-friendly, flexible, centrally managed and controlled
Remote access with hardware encryption
The new ECOS SECURE BOOT STICK [HE] provides highly secure access from home or on the road ...
The new ECOS SECURE BOOT STICK [HE] provides highly secure access from home or on the road ...
Remote access for VS-NfD:
BSI renew approval for the ECOS SECURE BOOT STICK
A further development of the ECOS SECURE BOOT STICK product family is…
BSI renew approval for the ECOS SECURE BOOT STICK
A further development of the ECOS SECURE BOOT STICK product family is…
A "right to home office": How companies should prepare for it
The "right to home office" is once again the subject of heated debates. Under the leadership of Minister Hubertus Heil,…
The "right to home office" is once again the subject of heated debates. Under the leadership of Minister Hubertus Heil,…
Mastering the challenges of BYOD
The massive spread of mobile devices has led to a new phenomenon for IT managers and administrators alike with pros and cons. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) refers to users who use their private devices for business purposes. Of course, it puts special demands on security when such private devices are integrated into a company network. In BYOD scenarios, ECOS Technology products provide a significant increase in data protection by separating private hardware and business use one hundred percent while meeting the respective compliance requirements.
IoT: The Internet is more than just notebooks and PCs
The times when networking and online connectivity were only relevant for classic computers and PCs are long gone. In many areas, the keyword IoT is now a matter of integrating a wide variety of machines and devices into the network securely, be it complex systems in production or the IT of vehicles. Key management literally plays a key role in IoT, because appropriate certificates and keys must ensure that only authorized systems or devices can access network resources. Efficient key management is therefore an indispensable part of a holistic IoT strategy.
IoT in the industrial environment
While in the private sector IoT concepts are often still smiled at or viewed with a certain suspicion (e.g. the refrigerator ordering food on its own via Internet), the industry is already a large step ahead. The use of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is at the core when it comes to optimizing important business processes. Security in the IIoT environment can be increased by using digital certificates to verify and validate the authenticity of devices.
Fit for the Internet of things with ECOS
A PKI solution can form the cornerstone for a secure use of the Internet of Things in many infrastructures. The public key infrastructure thereby acts as a control center responsible for issuing and validating certificates. Symmetric keys can be used especially in this contect. The PKI solution from ECOS provides a simple and clear administration of symmetric keys.