PKI and Key Management for IoT
Things to consider before configuring a certificate hierarchy, validation services, certificate lifecycles, certificate enrollment and reporting.
PKI - Schlüssel und Zertifikate
PKI, keys and certificates: Building blocks of digital security
Videokonferenzen im VS-NfD-Umfeld
Threats and risks of videoconferencing in VS-NfD, EU and NATO restricted environments: BSI specifications, requirements and minimum standards
Risiken von Langzeitangriffen im Homeoffice
Long-term attacks in home office: How to effectively protect against cyberattacks
Security by Design – Entwicklung von IoT-Geräten
Security by design: Why secure design of IoT devices is essential to prevent security incidents and avoid damage
Cloud bedeutet mehr als seine Server extern zu betreiben
What makes the cloud so special? What is the technology behind it? And how is the cloud different from having your data center hosted by a partner?
Zertifikate – mit smarten Reports stets den Überblick behalten
Stay organized with smart reporting: Technical and administrative know-how on certificates and reporting
Building Secure Machine Identities
Technical and administrative know-how around secure machine identities
Quantencomputer – Kryptoagilität: Die Zukunft beginnt jetzt!
Quantum computing and cryptoagility: Technical and administrative aspects and post-quantum cryptography
Cyber Resilience Act
Technical and administrative know-how regarding code signing, machine identities and secure communication
IT, IoT, OT, Cloud & NIS-2
All about NIS-2 and what to expect